Which Companions in Your Party Will Continue Into Bg 2 Ee

Introduction [ ]

Companions are playable and recruitable characters throughout the game. Some will join you quite easily with only the exchange of a few words, while others may require you to fulfill your promise of helping them pursue their goals before they come to the decision of longtime commitment. All companions have alignments, unique personalities, and perspectives, which make them either support or despise your decisions. These include: party reputations, or even other members' opinions, forcing the player to choose sides. The main character can also develop romance relationships with certain companions.

You may have up to six characters in your party, main character included. In Enhanced Editions, you may also choose to play with a fully customized party like in the Icewind Dale series, with the first character you created being your main character. Companions come with various classes and ability scores. It's up to player's imaginations to innovate their own ideal parties.

In classic versions of the games, companions who are under-leveled at the time of joining will have their levels automatically adjusted based on the average party level. In Enhanced Editions, however, they're given a certain amount of experience points (XP) for you to manually level, based on the protagonist current experience which grants the player more control of their status.

The XP is granted on thresholds of 4K, 8k, 16k, 32k. In Shadows of Amn LOGOSOA00001 Icon BG2EE.png Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Shadows of Amn (2013)
This icon indicates content from the Shadows of Amn campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition .
the thresholds are 125k, 200k, 250k, 500k, 750k, 1mil, 1.25mil. The highest XP they can have at the time of joining is 32,000 Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoD.png Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
, 250,000 Siege of Dragonspear LOGOSOD00001 Icon SoD.png Baldur's Gate:
Siege of Dragonspear
This icon indicates content from the Siege of Dragonspear campaign of the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition .
, 1,250,000 Shadows of Amn LOGOSOA00001 Icon BG2EE.png Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Shadows of Amn (2013)
This icon indicates content from the Shadows of Amn campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition .
, and 2,500,000 Throne of Bhaal LOGOTOB00001 Icon BG2EE.png Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Throne of Bhaal (2013)
This icon indicates content from the Throne of Bhaal campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition .
. Each time the party gains XP, the game will try to divide them evenly among characters; undividable points are then distributed according to positions of the character portraits from "top" to "bottom." The main character has the tendency to gain more XP than other party members. There're also cases in which each character gains an equal amount of XP individually. None of the companions' statuses from Baldur's Gate carries over into Baldur's Gate II.

Baldur's Gate companions [ ]

Recruitment [ ]

Companions can be recruited at their indicated spot. Some require a quest and when failing the quest or declining to invite them, most will disappear from the game.

When you no longer require their services, most will stay at their spot, with the following exceptions:

  • Neera will drink at the bar in the Friendly Arm Inn, till you come to your senses.
  • Baeloth Barrityl will hide just outside the Friendly Arm Inn's walls in the south east corner of the map.
  • Dorn Il-Khan will stand just inside the door in the Friendly Arm Inn. He refuses to rejoin you if your reputation is above 18.
  • Rasaad yn Bashir will stand opposite the Nashkel Inn.
Companions in Baldur's Gate
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Chapter Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Ajantis Ilvastarr AJANTIS Portrait BG1.png Ajantis Ilvastarr Lawful Good Human Paladin Area North of the Friendly Arm Inn 1 17 13 16 12 13 17 88 High Morale
Alora ALORA Portrait BG1.png Alora Chaotic Good Halfling Thief West Baldur's Gate, Hall of Wonders 5 8 19 12 14 7 10 70 Rabbit's Foot
Branwen BRANWE Portrait BG1.png Branwen True Neutral Human Cleric

Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoD.png Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
Priest of Tempus

Nashkel Carnival 2 13 16 15 9 16 13 82 Spiritual Hammer
Coran CORAN Portrait BG1.png Coran Chaotic Good Elf Fighter / Thief Cloakwood Lodge 4 14 20 12 14 9 16 85 20 Dex
Dynaheir DYNAHEI Portrait BG1.png Dynaheir Lawful Good Human Invoker Gnoll Stronghold 2 11 13 16 17 15 12 84 Slow Poison
Edwin Odesseiron EDWIN Portrait BG1.png Edwin Odesseiron Lawful


Human Conjurer Nashkel 2 9 10 16 18 9 10 72 Edwin's Amulet
Eldoth Kron ELDOTH Portrait BG1.png Eldoth Kron Neutral Evil Human Bard Cloakwood Druids 4 16 12 15 13 10 16 82 Create Poisoned Arrows
Faldorn FALDORN Portrait BG1.png Faldorn True Neutral Human Druid Cloakwood Druids 4 12 15 11 10 16 15 79 Summon Dread Wolf
Garrick GARRICK Portrait BG1.png Garrick Chaotic Neutral Human Bard Beregost 1 14 16 9 13 14 15 81
Imoen IMOEN Portrait BG1.png Imoen Neutral Good Human Thief Candlekeep Coastway 1 9 18 16 17 11 16 87

Never leaves no matter the reputation
Dual to mage

Jaheira JAHEIRA Portrait BG1.png Jaheira True Neutral Half-elf Fighter / Druid The Friendly Arm 1 15 14 17 10 14 15 85
Kagain KAGAIN Portrait BG1.png Kagain Lawful


Dwarf Fighter Beregost 1 16 12 20 15 11 8 82 20 Con
Khalid KHALID Portrait BG1.png Khalid Neutral Good Half-elf Fighter The Friendly Arm 1 15 16 17 15n 10 9 82
Kivan KIVAN Portrait BG1.png Kivan Chaotic Good Elf Ranger High Hedge 1 18/12 17 14 10 14 8 81.12
Minsc MINSC Portrait BG1.png Minsc Neutral Good Human Ranger Nashkel 2 18/93 15 15 8 6 9 71.93 Berserk

High Morale

Montaron MONTAR Portrait BG1.png Montaron Neutral Evil Halfling Fighter / Thief Candlekeep Coastway 1 16 17 15 12 13 9 82
Quayle QUAYLE Portrait BG1.png Quayle Chaotic Neutral Gnome Cleric / Illusionist Wyrm's Crossing 5 8 15 /16

Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoD.png Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.

11 17 10 6 67 /68

Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoD.png Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.

Safana SAFANA Portrait BG1.png Safana Chaotic Neutral Human Thief Lighthouse 1 13 17 10 16 9 17 82 Charm Person
Shar-Teel Dosan SHARTEL Portrait BG1.png Shar-Teel Dosan Chaotic Evil Human Fighter Mutamin's Garden 1 18/58 17 9 14 7 11 76.58 Dual to thief
Skie Silvershield SKIE Portrait BG1.png Skie Silvershield True Neutral Human Thief Northwest Baldur's Gate, Entar Silvershield's Estate 5 11 18 15 15 8 13 80
Tiax TIAX Portrait BG1.png Tiax Chaotic Evil Gnome Cleric / Thief Southwest Baldur's Gate 5 9 16 16 10 13 9 73 Summon Ghast
Viconia DeVir VICONIA Portrait BG1.png Viconia DeVir Neutral Evil Drow Cleric Peldvale 1 10 19 8 16 15 14 82 50% Magic Resistance
Xan XAN Portrait BG1.png Xan Lawful Neutral Elf Enchanter Mulahey's Lair 2 13 16 7 17 14 16 83 Moonblade
Xzar XZAR Portrait BG1.png Xzar Chaotic Evil Human Necromancer Candlekeep Coastway 1 14 16 10 17 16 10 83
Yeslick Orothiar YESLICK Portrait BG1.png Yeslick Orothiar Lawful Good Dwarf Fighter / Cleric 2nd level of the Cloakwood Mines 4 15 12 17 7 16 10 77 Dispel Magic
  • Original games two letters logo.png Baldur's Gate I & II Classic
    This icon indicates content from all original Baldur's Gate games, extensions included.
    If Khalid is recruited by a level 1 Gorion's Ward in the original Baldur's Gate, his intelligence will have a score of 12 only; if recruited later, it will always be 15.

Temporary companions during combat training in Candlekeep's storage cellars
Companion Alignment Race Class Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Arkanis GENDWRF Portrait BG1.png Arkanis Neutral Good Dwarf Fighter 18/53 12 19 15 11 8
Canderous MAN2 Portrait BG1.png Canderous Lawful Good Human Cleric 16 13 13 12 18 14
Deder GENMELF Portrait BG1.png Deder Neutral Halfling Fighter / Thief 11 18 16 12 13 9
Mordaine WOMAN1 Portrait BG1.png Mordaine Lawful Good Human Invoker 11 17 15 18 15 12
Osprey WOMAN2 Portrait BG1.png Osprey Lawful Good Half-elf Cleric / Mage 16 9 13 15 10 6
New companions in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Baeloth Barrityl BAELOTH Portrait BG1EE.png Baeloth Barrityl Chaotic Evil Drow Sorcerer Larswood 12 14 16 19


16 89

Early access to certain spells
50% Magic Resistance
Barrityl's Burden

Unbreakable Morale

Dorn Il-Khan DORNL Portrait BG1EE.png Dorn Il-Khan Neutral Evil Half-orc Blackguard Ambush when traveling to Nashkel Mines 19 16 14 10 15 16 90 Half-orc paladin combination
Neera NEERA Portrait BG1EE.png Neera Chaotic Neutral Half-elf Wild Mage Beregost 11 17 14 17 10 11 80

Gem Bag

Rasaad yn Bashir RASAAD Portrait BG1EE.png Rasaad yn Bashir Lawful Good Human Sun Soul Monk Nashkel 16 16 14 11 14 14 85 Moonlight Walkers

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear companions [ ]

Companions returning from Baldur's Gate
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Dynaheir DYNAHEI Portrait BG1.png Dynaheir Lawful Good Human Invoker Three Old Kegs, Third Floor 11 13 16 17 15 12 84

Slow Poison

Edwin Odesseiron EDWIN Portrait BG1.png Edwin Odesseiron Lawful Evil Human Conjurer Coast Way Crossing 9 10 16 18 9 10 72 Edwin's Amulet
Jaheira JAHEIRA Portrait BG1.png Jaheira True Neutral Half-elf Fighter / Druid Troll Claw Woods 15 14 17 10 14 15 85 Harper's Call
Khalid KHALID Portrait BG1.png Khalid Neutral Good Half-elf Fighter Bridgefort 15 16 17 15 10 9 82
Minsc MINSC Portrait BG1.png Minsc Neutral Good Human Ranger Three Old Kegs, Third Floor 18/93 15 15 8 6 9 71.93 Berserk
Safana SAFANA Portrait BG1.png Safana Chaotic Neutral Human Thief Elfsong Tavern, Second Floor 13 17 10 16 9 17 82 Safana's Kiss
Viconia DeVir BDVICON Portrait SoD.png Viconia DeVir Neutral Evil Drow Cleric Ducal Palace City Exterior 10 19 8 16 18


85 50% Magic Resistance
Baeloth Barrityl BAELOTH Portrait BG1EE.png Baeloth Barrityl Chaotic Evil Drow Sorcerer Coast Way Crossing 12 14 16 19 12 16 89 50% Magic Resistance
Barrityl's Burden
Dorn Il-Khan DORNL Portrait BG1EE.png Dorn Il-Khan Neutral Evil Half-orc Blackguard Boareskyr Bridge 19 16 14 10 15 16 90 Half-orc paladin combination
Neera NEERA Portrait BG1EE.png Neera Chaotic Neutral Half-elf Wild Mage Bridgefort 11 17 14 17 10 11 80
Rasaad yn Bashir RASAAD Portrait BG1EE.png

Rasaad yn Bashir

Lawful Good Human Sun Soul Monk Coast Way Forest 16 16 14 11 14 14 85 Moonlight Walkers
New companions
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Schael Corwin SCHAEL Portrait SoD.png Captain Schael Corwin Lawful Good Human Archer Coast Way Crossing 18/5 15 14 12 14 14 87.05

Corwin's Bow
Corwin's Armor

Glint Gardnersonson GLINT Portrait SoD.png Glint Gardnersonson Neutral Good Gnome Cleric / Thief Coast Way Crossing 13 17 16 14 16 13 89
M'Khiin Grubdoubler MKHIIN Portrait SoD.png M'Khiin Grubdoubler True Neutral Goblin Shaman Coast Way Crossing 10 16 15 14 17 12 84 Summon Ghostly Defender
Goblin equipment
Voghiln VOGHILN Portrait SoD.png Voghiln the Mighty Neutral Good Human Skald Troll Claw Woods 18 16 16 14 10 15 89 Voghiln's Helmet
Temporary companions
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Caelar Argent CAELAR Portrait SoD.png

Caelar Argent

Lawful Good Aasimar Fighter Avernus Roof 18/81 17 16 12 12 18 93.81

Cure Critical Wounds
Shining Bolt
Aster's Edge
Solar Aegis
Mail of the Hallowed Hero
Circlet of the Cynosure

Imoen BDIMOEN Portrait SoD.png Imoen Neutral Good Human Thief (level 7) > Mage Sewers Exit 9 18 16 17 11 16 87 Oil of Speed x 80

Baldur's Gate II companions [ ]

Recruitment [ ]

Recruitment in Shadows of Amn is more involved:

  • An initial quest to recruit them and solve their immediate predicaments
  • At least one follow up quest, started after some real time has passed or a map is entered. It is not uncommon for this quest to have a timer.
  • In extreme cases, there are repeated disturbances and timed quests, companions running off or being abducted.

If you dismiss them after the initial quest, they will seek a place that they call home. This is different for each companion.

If you have successfully ensured their loyalty to you by completing at least the second quest, you may decide you no longer require their services and in the common case you will be given a choice: they return to the Copper Coronet or they wait right where you leave them. When in hell, those choices become unavailable due to travel complications.


  • Keldorn Firecam will offer to return to the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart instead (or stay right there)
  • Valygar Corthala will return to his cabin in the hills, or wait at his dismissal location.
  • Jaheira will go and stand outside the Galvarey Estate in the Athkatla Docks, unless Summoned to the Harper Hold has progressed past a certain point in which case she will permanently disappear. She will never wait at her dismissal location, even if she's in hell.
  • Viconia DeVir will offer to wait in the Athkatla Graveyard, or at her dismissal location.
  • Jan Jansen will offer to tend to his Turnips in the slums, or wait at his dismissal location.
  • Aerie will offer to return to the circus, or wait at her dismissal location.
  • Mazzy Fentan will return to her house in Trademeet
  • Cernd will return to the Druid Grove, or wait at his dismissal location.
  • Dorn Il-Khan will return to where you met him in Athkatla's Temple District
  • ???
Companions returning from Baldur's Gate
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Edwin Odesseiron NEDWIN Portrait BG2.png Edwin Odesseiron Lawful Evil Human Conjurer Mae'Var's Guildhall 10 10 16 18 10 10 74

Edwin's Amulet
-1 bonus to all saves and +20 lore after quest

Imoen NIMOEN Portrait BG2.png Imoen Neutral Good Human Thief (level 7) > Mage Spellhold 9 18 16 17 11 16 87 Never leaves no matter the reputation
Bhaalspawn powers
Jaheira NJAHEIR Portrait BG2.png Jaheira True Neutral Half-elf Fighter / Druid Irenicus's Dungeon 15 17 17 10 14 15 88

Harper's Call
Harper Pin

Minsc NMINSC Portrait BG2.png Minsc Chaotic Good Human Ranger Irenicus's Dungeon 18/93 16 16 8 6 9 73.93


Viconia DeVir NVICON Portrait BG2.png Viconia DeVir Neutral Evil Drow Cleric Government District 10 19 8 16 18 14 85

Alignment change[1]
65% Magic Resistance
Handmaiden's Mace

New companions in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Aerie NAERIE Portrait BG2.png Aerie Lawful Good Elf Cleric / Mage Circus Tent 10 17 9 16 16 14 82

Elf c/m combination

Anomen Delryn NANOMEN Portrait BG2.png Anomen Delryn Lawful Neutral Human Fighter (level 7) > Cleric Copper Coronet 18/52 10 16 10 12 (or 16) 13 79.52 Alignment change
Possible +4 to wisdom
Delryn Family Shield
Cernd NCERND Portrait BG2.png Cernd True Neutral Human Shapeshifter Trademeet 13 9 13 12 18 15 80 Staff of the High Forest
Cloak of the High Forest
Haer'Dalis NHAER Portrait BG2.png Haer'Dalis Chaotic Neutral Tiefling Blade Mekrath's Laboratory 17 17 9 15 13 16 87 50% cold resistance
25% fire resistance
25% electricity resistance
15% physical.resistance
Longsword++ Short Sword++
Chaos Blade
Jan Jansen NJAN Portrait BG2.png Jan Jansen Chaotic Neutral Gnome Illusionist / Thief Government District 9 17 15 16 14 10 81 Flasher Launcher
Flasher Master Bruiser Mates
Jansen AdventureWear
Jansen Spectroscopes
Jansen Techno-Gloves
Keldorn Firecam NKELDOR Portrait BG2.png Keldorn Firecam Lawful Good Human Inquisitor Sewers (Temple District) 17 9 17 12 16 18 89 Hallowed Redeemer
Firecam Full-Plate Armor
Korgan Bloodaxe NKORGAN Portrait BG2.png Korgan Bloodaxe Chaotic Evil Dwarf Berserker Copper Coronet 18/77 15 19 12 9 7 80.77
Mazzy Fentan NMAZZY Portrait BG2.png Mazzy Fentan Lawful Good Halfling Fighter Temple Ruins 15 18 16 10 13 14 86

Lay On Hands (Mazzy)
Haste (Mazzy)
Invoke Courage
Sword of Arvoreen
Bow of Arvoreen

Nalia de'Arnise NNALIA Portrait BG2.png Nalia de'Arnise Chaotic Good Human Thief (level 4) > Mage Copper Coronet 14 18 16 17 9 13 87 De'Arnise Signet Ring
Valygar Corthala NVALYGA Portrait BG2.png Valygar Corthala Neutral Good Human Stalker Umar Hills 17 18 16 10 14 10 85 Corthala Family Blade
Corthala Family Armor
New temporary companion in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Yoshimo NYOSHIM Portrait BG2.png Yoshimo True Neutral Human Bounty Hunter Irenicus's Dungeon 2nd Floor 17 18 16 10 13 14 88

Dual to fighter
Yoshimo's Katana

New companion in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Sarevok Anchev SAREVOK Portrait ToB.png Sarevok Anchev Chaotic Evil Human Fighter Pocket Plane 18/100 17 18 17 10 15 95.100

Alignment change
Dual to thief
Dual to mage
Deathbringer Assault

New companions in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
returning from Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Dorn Il-Khan DORNL Portrait BG1EE.png Dorn Il-Khan Neutral Evil Half-orc Blackguard Temple District 19 16 14 10 15 16 90 Half-orc paladin combination
Neera NEERA Portrait BG1EE.png Neera Chaotic Neutral Half-elf Wild Mage Wild Forest 11 17 14 17 10 11 80 Neera's Staff
Rasaad yn Bashir RASAAD Portrait BG1EE.png Rasaad yn Bashir Lawful Good Human Sun Soul Monk Trademeet 16 16 14 11 14 14 85 Moonlight Walkers
Glimmering Bands
New companions in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Hexxat OHHEXX Portrait BG2EE.png Hexxat Neutral Evil Human Vampire Thief

Dragomir's Tomb

20 20 14 14 12 18 98

High ability scores
Blood Drain
Children of the Night
Hexxat's Amulet
Cloak of Dragomir
Dragomir's Respite

Wilson WILSON Portrait BG2EE.png Wilson True Neutral Grizzly Bear Fighter Heretic Temple 18 (up to 23) 9 18 4 4 4 57

Powers increase with level
15% Hug
Animal Rage

New temporary companion in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Companion Alignment Race Class Area Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Total Special
Clara OHHEX Portrait BG2EE.png Clara Neutral Evil Human Thief Copper Coronet 14 16 14 12 10 14 80 Hexxat's Amulet

Interactions [ ]

Note: It is not advised to use companions as "pack mules" for storing items without keeping them in the party – especially in the second installment they might vanish from the scene or become otherwise unavailable.

Baldur's Gate [ ]

Pairs can be separated by getting one of them killed or petrified or by removing the unwanted person from the party in an area that's not planned to be revisited, then immediately leaving before dialog can be initiated.

A way to prevent unwanted behavior from initially rejecting a companion is to not reject them, but removing them from the party again in the same step; this, however, works only with a full party.

Companion Available from Conflicts Pairs If initially rejected
Ajantis Chapter One Evil party members Waits
Alora Chapter Five Waits
Baeloth Chapter One Ajantis Becomes hostile or waits at the Friendly Arm Inn
Branwen Chapter Two Waits
Coran Chapter Four Waits
Dorn Chapter Two Ajantis Waits in The Friendly Arm
Dynaheir Chapter Two Edwin Minsc Disappears
Edwin Chapter Two Ajantis, Dynaheir, Neera Disappears
Eldoth Chapter Four Ajantis, Shar-Teel Skie Waits
Faldorn Chapter Four Jaheira Waits
Garrick Chapter One Disappears
Imoen Chapter One Can't be rejected
Jaheira Chapter One Faldorn, Xzar Khalid Disappears
Kagain Chapter One Ajantis, Yeslick Waits
Khalid Chapter One Montaron, Xzar Jaheira Disappears
Kivan Chapter One Viconia Waits
Minsc Chapter Two Dynaheir Becomes hostile
Montaron Chapter One Ajantis, Khalid Xzar Disappears
Neera Chapter One Edwin Waits in The Friendly Arm
Quayle Chapter Five Tiax Waits
Rasaad Chapter Two Waits
Safana Chapter One Waits
Shar-Teel Chapter One Ajantis, Eldoth Disappears
Skie Chapter Five Eldoth Disappears
Tiax Chapter Five Ajantis, Quayle Waits
Viconia Chapter One Ajantis, Kivan Disappears
Xan Chapter Two Disappears
Xzar Chapter One Ajantis, Jaheira, Khalid Montaron Disappears
Yeslick Chapter Four Kagain Waits in south Baldur's Gate

Siege of Dragonspear [ ]

Companion Available from Conflicts Romances
Baeloth Chapter Eight
Caelar Chapter Twelve
Corwin Chapter Eight Any gender, any race
Dorn Chapter Nine Any gender, any race
Dynaheir Prologue Edwin
Edwin Chapter Eight Dynaheir, Minsc, Neera
Glint Chapter Eight Males of any race
Imoen Epilogue
Jaheira Chapter Nine
Khalid Chapter Nine
M'Khiin Chapter Eight
Minsc Prologue Edwin
Neera Chapter Nine Edwin Males of any race
Rasaad Chapter Eight Females of any race
Safana Prologue Males of any race
Viconia Chapter Seven Male humans, half-elves, half-orcs and halflings
Voghiln Chapter Nine Females of any race

Baldur's Gate II [ ]

Romances from Siege of Dragonspear will not be carried over into Shadows of Amn when importing. New romances, started and "completed" during Shadows of Amn will continue in Throne of Bhaal if the party directly gets transferred into the campaign or an imported savegame is used.

Most, but not all conflicts only happen during Shadows of Amn.

Companion Availability Conflicts Romances
Aerie Chapter 1 → Anomen CN , Hexxat, Korgan Male humans, half-elves, elves, gnomes and halflings
Anomen Chapter 2 → Dorn, Hexxat Female humans, half-elves, elves and halflings
If chaotic neutral, also:
Aerie, Keldorn
Cernd Chapter 2 →
Clara Chapter 2 + 3 Hexxat
Dorn Chapter 2 → Anomen, Keldorn Any gender, any race
Edwin Chapter 2 → Minsc, Neera, Valygar
Haer'Dalis Chapter 2 →
Hexxat Chapter 2 →

Must be recruited before Chapter 4.

Aerie, Anomen, Clara, Keldorn, Mazzy, Valygar Females of any race
Imoen Irenicus's Dungeon +
Chapter 4 →
Jaheira Chapter 1 → Male humans, half-elves, elves and halflings
Jan Chapter 2 →
Keldorn Chapter 2 → Anomen CN , Dorn, Hexxat, Viconia
Korgan Chapter 2 → Aerie
Mazzy Chapter 2 → Hexxat
Minsc Chapter 1 → Edwin
Nalia Chapter 2 →
Neera Chapter 2 → Edwin Males of any race
Rasaad Chapter 2 → Sarevok CE Females of any race
Sarevok Chapter 8 → If chaotic evil:
Valygar Chapter 2 → Edwin, Hexxat, Viconia
Viconia Chapter 2 → Keldorn, Valygar Male humans, half-elves, half-orcs and halflings
Wilson Chapter 2 →
Yoshimo Chapter 1
Chapter 4

See also [ ]

  • Classes
  • Experience Tables
  • Spell Progression Tables
  • Romance

Useful links [ ]

  • Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II walkthroughs by Dan Simpson
  • Baldur's Gate EE and Baldur's Gate II EE walkthroughs by Haeravon
  • Siege of Dragonspear walkthrough by Enilwyn
  • Dudleyville
  • Mike's RPG Center


  1. In Throne of Bhaal. For Shadows of Amn, she will remain Evil.


Source: https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Companions

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